Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring time

So, Spring is here. The sun is shining and hopefully warm temps are gonna stay. With the longer days comes longer hours outside working on projects. For the past two days we have spent the whole day cleaning and clearing our new pasture for our horses. Yesterday, we began the fencing process. With the animals and land it is never a dull moment. Just as we finished a section of electric fencing, the horses got excited and started running and " boom" they sprinted through goodness it was just a preliminary strand and not hooked up yet. We also started on our garden and some flower beds. I am at a stand still though until I expand my chicken run. The chickens will destroy any young plants I try to start. Not to mention they think any dirt I put in the flower beds and pots is for their amusement only. I am doing alot of reading about container gardens since that is what we are trying this year. There are several good books you need to check out on Kindle, they are free. I have also been sticking to my diet in the midst of all these other projects. I am already 19 lbs down. I am still trying to follow the induction phase. It is hard but it is working for me. Before any diet plan please talk to your doctor. I hope that all of you are enjoying the sun shine, We are..Happy farming to ya..

The bees are buzzing......

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